October 2005

Mid-70’s Horror-Hero Craze : Pt1


Trick-Or-Treaters To Be Subject To Random Bag Searches
The Onion.

Protecting the Presidential Seal. No Joke.
The Whitehouse harasses the Onion over the use of the presidential seal.

Boyz in the ‘Burbs
Boondocks to debut November 6 on the Cartoon Network.


Fantastic Covers
New scans from Datajunkie.

The Dreaming Jewels

Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack
The Onion.

Delay To Continue Fundraising In Prison
The Borowitz Report.

Indictment Bingo
Pick your Plame indictments and win prizes from Wonkette!  Personally, I hope Fitzgerald bags the whole crowd.

Souponyourhead Photos (b3ta)
These are photos based on the Soupy George animation.

Soupy Phil

The Judy Miller Quartet {of Limericks}
Mad Kane.

Fatboy Slim And David Byrne make Imelda Marcos Musical
This should be interesting.

The Kitsch Itch Pool (PCL)

Uh-Oh! Is that a Kiccoros!?


Famous Women In Slips
Have a great weekend!

Italian Goddess Sophia Loren

Classic Crime and Horror Covers

Bill Everett Cover (1952)

Crony Jobs
Choice government careers for the taking. No experience necessary!

Advice Bunny (Plep)
The bunny knows all!


Dial “F” for Frankenstein!
New scans from Datajunkie.

Journey Into Fear (1951)

The Zona Girdle Zone Ad Gallery

Vive Fabrice

Harriet Miers’s Blog!!!
Everybody’s got a blog these days.

The Fourth Annual Boobie-Thon
This site raises money for Breast Cancer, Katrina and Rita Charities.

Boobie-Thon participant

Pearl Frush Image Gallery (TT)

Miss Rio (1945)

September 2005

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