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Iwr Green Pw

IWR Cartoon – Mama Robot Monster, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, Fox News, GOP, Republican, Teabagger, Cartoon, Cartoons, Funny, Humor, Toons

IWR Cartoon – Mama Robot Monster, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, Fox News, GOP, Republican, Teabagger, Cartoon, Cartoons, Funny, Humor, Toons

Mama Robot Monster

Sarah Palin Mama Grizzly Cartoon

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Republicans Threaten To Hold Their Breath Until They Turn Orange 12/3

The Gingrich Who Stole Christmas 11/29

Holiday For Morans 11/25

The Boehner Party 11/23

The Occipital Bunman Cometh 11/22

Toupee Party To Ban Earmuffs 11/20

Cleobatshit 11/18

The House Of Boehnerstein 11/15

The Man Who Would Be King 11/6

Steele To Man Estate Tax Suicide Hotline 11/4

The Tea Party Revolution Will Be Televised 10/28

Who Wants To Bailout The Billionaires 10/26

I Am Not A Buddha 10/25

The Vampire Oligarch 10/22

The Mustachioed Nihilistic Cheerleaders 10/18

Rupert’s Rodent 10/15

Same Old Story 10/11

GOP Billionaire Bailout Card 10/4

Perry Plays Russian Roulette On Austin Campus 10/4

The King Of The Tea Party 9/30

Rupert Wills It 9/28

Nurse Ratched Wants To Give California A Texas Oil Enema 9/27

Boehner Needs To Take The AA Pledge Instead 9/24

Reactionary Intruder 9/20

Teabaggers Vow To Make Halloween A Holiday 9/20

Children Of The Corny 9/14

We’re All Tobacco Toadies Now! 9/13

Secondhand Rose Tea 9/6

The Hunchback of Hate Radio 9/6

GOP Proposes Treadmills for the Poor and Aged 9/3

Dawn Of The Smeg 9/1

Pat Buchanan Introduces Hermann Goering Line Of Clothing 8/30

We’re All Suckers Now! 8/30

Hate Your Neighbor Day 8/27

GOP-Cat: Social Security Chow 8/23

Limbaugh’s Dog To Patrol Border 8/21

Right Night 8/14

King Freddy The Skinflint 8/10

Teabaggers Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones 8/6

Palin Dons The Codpiece 8/4

America By Heartburn 8/2

More Satire

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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,
Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2010.

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