Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Bush Cartoon – Operation Belly Dance

IWR Bush Cartoon – Operation Belly Dance

Condoleezza Rice – Parody News Cartoon

Operation Belly Dance

WASHINGTON (IWR News Satire) – Karen Hughes today launched "Operation Belly Dance" aimed at improving the United States image in the Middle East.

"In order to win the confidences of our Arab allies, we have decided to incorporate some of their customs into our Official State Department programming. 

Our first infomercial will be: Belly Dancing And The Benefits of American Imperialism on Muslim cable channels such as Aljezeera, said Hughes.

Condoleezza Rice then performed an exotic gothic style belly dance for reporters.

Operation Belly Dance Bonus



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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2005.

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