IWR Cartoon – The Wasilla Chainsaw Massacre – John Mccain, Sarah And Todd Palin Cartoon, Cartoons
John McCain, Sarah And Todd Palin – Cartoon |
Special Bonus Image Reading Room: Sarah Palin’s Message To The Alaskan Independence Party Permalink] [ ]Digg It] [Reddit |
Support the Internet Weekly! McCain Trails Hayes In Elmer Fudd Look-Alike Poll 10/23 Invasion of the McBody Snatchers 10/20 Frankenhooker 10/17 Paulson To Bailout The Nation’s Brothels 10/13 Alan Greenspan Wanted Poster 10/13 The Time Machine 10/9 Angry Old Men 10/6 The GOP’s Race Queen 10/4 All In The GOP Family 9/30 McScanners 9/29 Chicken McLittle 9/26 Dr. Phil’s Diagnosis Of McCain’s Health 9/23 The Washington Flintstones 9/22 McCain Says He Invented The Telegraph 9/17 The Sound Of Mooseshit 9/15 The Colossal Washington Insider Beast 9/12 The Seven-Per-Cent Candidate 9/10 Little Wingnut Annie 9/6 Palin Threatens To Have Harry Reid Fired 9/4 The Deadly Pick-Up 9/2 Heidi – A GOP Fairy Tale 9/1 John McCain’s Dancing Queen 8/30 Goldfarter 8/26 Thurston McCain, III 8/23 The Real McCain’s 8/18 McCain: Obama Is Too Smart To Be President 8/12 McCain’s Biography: I Love Lucy 8/9 Permalink] [ ]Digg It] [Reddit Condi’s Peep Show 7/4 More Satire |
Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,
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