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Animation and Short Subject Archive


Top Ten for 2002

Archive 2002

Edgar Beals

Plickey and Muto

IWR Interview with Ed Beals

Plickey + Muto- Lost

Plickey + Muto- Trip

Plickey + Muto- Shop

Plickey + Muto- Shop 2

Plickey + Muto- Parade

Plickey + Muto- Pearl

The Wenchell Bogum Series

The Last Hula Doll


Hey! Neighbor

SeXXXy Doll

Ed’s Head


August Strindberg and Helium (F)

Kunstbar (F) Wired

Kunstbar Full Screen No Spam

Kikkomaso or Kikkoman (F)

Lots of Robots (Q)

onkey makes sorbet (L)

Perk (Q)

Roomba Commercial (F)

Royksopp (R)

Star Wars Lego Edition (Q)

Tales of the Plush Cthulhu (L)

Wallace & Gromit


Apple – QuickTime Movie Trailers

Bilbo Baggins

Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels

John Ashcroft Singing

SNL cowbell sketch with Blue Oyster Cult (Audio)

Pixar Short Films

Speed Stacking – Emily Fox

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog

Triumph Vs Star Wars

Classic Bad Monster Clips

Attack of the Supermonsters

The Blob

Giant Claw

Plan 9 from Outer Space (BM)

Rodan (BM)

The Bad Movies List

Political Flashes

Mark Fiore’s Political Cartoons

Flight of the Chickenhawks

Bush Speech Generator

Photos QTVR

Hans Nyberg’s Panoramas

Animation and Shorts Sites

Animation Express

Animation Exp. Kids


B3TA (B3)

B3TA Awards 2003


Demand Media (DM)

Edgar Beals

Flash Award 2002

Geisha asobi(GA)

Dr. Minz

Milk and Cookies (MC)

Speckled Paint (SP)

Ultimate Insult (UI)

Whitehouse Animation


Top Ten for 2002

Archive 2002

BM =

F = Flash

L = Low Tech Wonder

Q = Quicktime

Winter Archive 2003

March 2003


  • Touch The Drip (GA

    Interesting Japanese black and white flash.  [Flash]


  • Toyola (MC

    Dave Chappelle’s spoof of the Grand Theft Auto game.  It’s a big file 10 MB, but worth the wait.  [MPG]

  • robots love their mummys too (B3

    Great Mother’s Day promotion!  [Flash]


  • Bier Shooter (UI

    A silly game from Hungary where you shoot beer into the thirsty person or animals mouth. [Flash]

  • Bush’s Groom and Gloom: The Dutch Video (BF

    This is the Dutch feed of Dubya before his war speech last week.  [WMV]



  • Impossible Figures

    Interesting animations of impossible figures like Escher’s Waterfall.  [Various formats]


  • Air Hockey (MC

    Being a bit of an air hockey freak, I like this game. [Flash]


  • The Real Dubya

    The BBC accidentally broadcasted Dubya getting his hair fluffed before his Wednesday speech.  [Real and WM]

  • Etch-a-Sketch (B3

    Yep. Dats it.  [Flash]

  • Hamster Woede (B3)

    Punk Hamster video.  [QuickTime]


  • Zed (MC

    Interesting little game. [Flash]



  • Canadian Apology From the CBC

    This Canadian "apology" is from the comedy show "This Hour has 22 Minutes".  What a hoot!  [Real]


Driving School




    Pretty silly Bush as Hercules video dub job by Bang Zoom TV. [QuickTime]


  • Spacerunner (B3)

    Nice little game. [Flash]

  • Cat-Car (UI)

    And another nice little game. [Flash]

  • Arctic Blue (MC)

    Yet another nice little game. [Flash]




Car Cam

  • Car Cam (B3)

    Funny videos about a puppy and the evil car cam.  [WM]

  • Dr Strangeblix

    Pacman style game where you control Hans Blix in search of WMD. [Flash]

  • Suburban Trunk Monkey (MC)

    I want one these for my car. [MPEG]



No Stinking Badges




What’s behind that door?

  • stickee (GA)

    A very clever animation that has stickperson, stickee, moving from window to window.  [Flash]


  • Domo Darko (B3)

    The B3TA newsletter usually features at least one great new animation.  Domo Darko is an interesting syncing of model animation, which is features Japanese mascot Domo-kun, and the song "Mad World" from Donnie Darko.  [Real]  More Domo-kun videos can be found here. [AVI]  Also, there is this huge 100 MB, but high quality, Domo-kun compilation. [QuickTime]

  • George and Ira Gershwin (SR)

    This well designed site is a tribute to those legendary American song writers George and Ira Gershwin.  Check out samples of their wonderful music in the Jukebox section.  [Flash]

Mach One Plus Photo

  • Breaking the Sound Barrier

    This site has a great picture and video of a F/A-18 Hornet passing through the sound barrier.  [MPEG]

  • Read My Lips [updated]

    A love story between Dubya and Blair.  Funny! Funny! Funny! [QuickTime]


  • We Come In Peace (UI)

    No. This not another one of those political peacenik videos.  😉 However, this is a pretty clever set of animations from those evil French snoids.  Funny stuff!  [Flash]

  • X2 : trailer 02

    Fascinating sci-fi images from this X2 trailer.  [QuickTime]


  • Lord of the Rhymes

    A funny Hip Hop satire.  Was that Bilbo Baggins I saw in the center of this video?  [Real and QuickTime]


  • Sony Antiwar PS2 Ad (MC)

    Sony PlayStation 2 characters do an antiwar video.  [MPEG]


Fluffy skiing

  • Anti-Peace Anthem

    President Bush leads the first anti-peace demonstration sing-along.  Funny stuff.  [Political Flash]


  • Bush Tax Plan 2003

    Funny model animation in which Dubya explains his latest tax plan.  [Political Real]


  • Right Stuff – History of Anime (SD)

    If you are interested in how Japanese anime came about, this site is for you.


  • DJ Format – We Know Something

    People in stuffed animal suits dance to "We know Something You Don’t Know" featuring Charlie 2na & Akil from Jurassic 5.  [QuickTime]


  • Weebl and Bob in America Pie (B3)

    Mmmm Pie!  [Flash]


  • The Flash Mind Psychic

    This Flash animation should make for interesting fun.  Do do do do do do do do do.  Can you figure out the simple algorithm?  Hint: think repeating images. [Flash]

  • Tunak Tunak Tan! (MC)

    Daler Mehndi kicks out the yams in India, and Kompressor does a hysterical cover version. [Real] and [QuickTime]

  • *** b z z z p e e k *** (Y)

    This is a very creative flash using the recordings of children making sounds of different animals and objects.


  • Yellowtail and Curly by Golan Levin (UI)

    This is a pretty cool Java applet.  Just draw in the window and see what happens.  [Java]

  • Tokyo Plastic (BB)

    Fascinating Mecha style Anime Flash.  [Flash]


  • Incriminati (MC)

    Pretty funny game where you try to clean up your dorm room before you parents show up.

  • Crab vs. Pipe

    Ouch! [MPEG]

  • Playing With Time

    In the Gallery, there are several interesting elapsed time videos.  [QuickTime]

The Azzhat Factor

  • Jeremy Glick on O’Reilly Factor

    Video from the O’Reilly Factor demonstrating what an azzhat Bill O’Reilly really is.  Here is the transcript of the "interview". [Political WMF]


  • Compy 386!

    A new Homestar Runner episode featuring systems administrator -Strong Bad [Flash].

Animation and Shorts

  • video killed the radio star

    I’m not sure why, but I like this old non-Flash animation. It uses JavaScript and various images from how the "web used to be". [JavaScript]

  • Terry Tate: Office Linebacker (MC)

    Funny video!  [WMF]


  • Disco Sauna

    The Disco Squirrels sing Disco Sauna. [Flash]


  • Squirrel Fishing

    Harvard student fishes for squirrels using a line with a peanut attached to it.  [Pictures Only]


  • Ukulele Man (B3)

    The mindless adventure of a man and his Ukulele.  [Flash]

France Five

Bubb Rubb

  • Bubb Rubb Info Center (MC)

    The Bubb Rubb and Lil’ Sis page.  This page is based on a KRON TV video of a muffler "whistle" fad in Oakland, California.  Here is humorous video remix of the "Whistles Go Woo" phenomena.  [WMF]
  • Letters Game

    This game is pretty cool.  [Flash]

  • Animatrix Trailer

    Robots just wanna have fun. This Japanese anime trailer is from episode 1 of 10 (or 9) of the Animatrix series.  Great artwork.  Also, here are some humorous Lego pictures to contemplate. [QuickTime]


Double Jeopardy

  • James Bond (B3)

    James Bond Vs. Alex Trebek? [Flash]
  • Karma Ghost (UI)

    This is a great little animation about a man who runs out of credits in the Karma Zone. [Flash]

  • Cat Bowling (MC)

    I like this game.  It has good graphics and is fun to play.  The witch laughs at you if you have an open frame. [Flash]

  • (GA)

    I’m not much of a celebrity hound, but Very Goo with Sean Connery is a classic goofy Japanese commercial worth checking out.  The Nick Park commercial, Pudding on the Moon, featuring Wallace, Gromit and Shaun is top of the line.  [QuickTime]

  • Human Flea (B3)

    Clever and wacky saga of scientist who finds himself in a strange new world on his lab assistant’s scalp. [Flash]

  • The Mini-Mizer: Picture Yourself in Plastic!

    Find your inner Lego child.  [Flash]

  • 900 Radio Call with Gilbert Gottfried on Rock 104 (F) (PG

    This radio call features Gilbert Gottfried calling a 900 line.  Gilbert is very funny.  However, the Rock 104 DJs are not, but there are still plenty of great laughs on this audio clip.

  • The Infamous Worm Game (B3)

    This simple tiny game is maddening.

  • Gridlock

    Good block style maze game. 
  • Take Back The Media!

    Political Animation that advocates boycotting Rush Limbaugh corporate sponsors featuring music by Elvis Costello. [Flash]

January 2003


  • Everyone looks spiffy with a Tux

    Great Linux switch spoof from Ubergeek.  [Flash]

  • We Like The Moon (B3)

    Introducing, the Spongmonkeys By Joel Veitch and Alex Veitch. [Flash]
  • Super Bowl Ads

    If you missed the game, you can still see the wacky commercials. [Real]

  • These Little Pigs (MC)

    This Ferry Halim game is almost too cute for a macho guy like me.  😉 [Flash]

  • Bisounours Show: Singing Bear (B3)

    This is pretty absurd.  It was clearly written by someone that is fed up with all those cute Japanese animations.  (PG Language) [Flash]

  • System Crash Simulation (B3)

    You could really mess with someone’s mind with this one.  Remember to ATL-Tab to switch back.  That’s what I did anyway. 


  • Bundesdance

    It’s all in German, but not too hard to figure out. [Flash]

Oolong Tea


  • Icon War (MC)

    Clever Japanese animation of icons duking it out on the desktop.  [Flash]


  • Johnny Cash Covers Nine Inch Nails – Hurt – Link Updated

    Fascinating autobiographical music video by music legend Johnny Cash singing the Nine Inch Nails song "Hurt".  [QuickTime]

  • Classic Car Commercials (GA)

    Lot’s of classic American car shorts. [Real]

  • Triumph: 8 Nipples and Triumph Bon Jovi (MC)

    Triumph the Insult Comedy Dog Spoofs Eminem’s 8 Mile and harasses Bon Jovi. No Spam Versions!  [QuickTime]

  • Full Contact Curling

    Good little game. [Flash]

  • Benny Hill

    President Bush as Benny Hill. [Flash]

  • A Bad Day (MC)

    A great video of some guy getting even with Bill Gates after the blue screen of death.  [MPEG]

  • August Strindberg and Helium (BB)

    I don’t know quite how to describe this series of animations.  However they are very funny and creative. [Flash]

  • Mona Lisa (BB)

    See Mona Lisa like you have never seen her before.  [Flash]

  • Planned Parenthood – Rally for Choice

    This is one of the most brilliant uses of a Flash for a political ad that I have seen.  The "No Choice Blues" sung by Dubya, Ashcroft, Orin Hatch and Justice Burger is very clever and funny indeed.  [Flash]

  • Ain’t It Cool News – The Greatest DVD News of the Year (SD)

    This is great news for Hayao Miyazaki fans.  In April Disney will be releasing 3 of his movies on DVD, including Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky and Kiki’s Delivery Service.  If you have never seen Miyazaki animation, check him out because he is one of the World’s best animators period.

  • gulf war 2 game

    Hey what could go wrong?  This is a political satire. [Flash]

  • Bill Frist – The Cat Killer (Lisa Rein)

    A funny short on Trent Lott’s replacement Bill Frist from the Daily Show.  [QuickTime]


  • State of the Union Speech (BB)

    This is a political satire based on an edited version of Dubya’s 2002 State of the Union.  I imagine Ashcroft already has his storm troopers looking for the guilty party.  😉 [QuickTime]

  • Fetchfido Games (F)

    You could go blind playing the games on this site.  There are lots of good games on this site.  [Java-Flash]

  • Blode 6 – Attack of the Uber-Pea (B3)

    This is number 6 in the animated series from  [Flash]

  • More Babblings Of Nonsense From The Shrub

    Lisa Rein has posted these funny Bushisms from the Daily Show.  The high resolution file is 22 MB but well worth the wait. [QuickTime]

  • Jurassic Bark

    Another little gem from those Lego folks.  Also, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is hoot too! [QuickTime]


  • Lobster Trap Video

    Watch how lobsters can move in and out of lobster traps at will.  [QT]

  • Cooking HKN Hamburgers and Lighting The Grill

    MPEG MOVIE of lighting of the grill with 3 gallons of liquid oxygen. Started with 60 lbs of charcoal, and burnt up 40 lbs of it in 3 seconds. Result is a grill ready to cook in about 3 seconds, and all the old grease, etc burned off. Don’t try this at home.


Animation Archive 2002

IWR Parodies] – [IWR Blog


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