Internet Weekly Report
Internet Weekly Report

Best of IWR – Condoleezza Rice and The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Best of IWR – Condoleezza Rice and The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Best of IWR – Condoleezza Rice and The Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Condi Explains The Logic For Regime Change

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice speaks about

the Bush Administration’s position on Regime Change

during the taping of CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’.

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Bush Battles Hecklers at Cardinals’ Opener 4/5

Condi’s Skirt 4/4

Bush Gets Locked Out of White House 4/4

Rummy Makes OPEC Deal 4/2

Pakistani Troops Capture Osama’s Brother 3/30

Kerry Wins First Presidential Spelling Bee 3/28

‘Al Qaeda Tape’ Endorses Bush-Cheney Re-election 3/26


Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2003.

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