Internet Weekly Report
Internet Weekly Report

IWR Photo Cartoons – Toto Meets Ashcroft

IWR Photo Cartoons – Toto Meets Ashcroft

IWR PhotoCartoons –Toto Meets Ashcroft

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IWR Guest Cartoon

Toto Meets Ashcroft

Guest Cartoon by Phil and Angela Rockstroh.

See Also, Separated at Birth

The Bush Administration and the Wizard of OZ Characters


 [GOP Playing Cards] [IWR Ezine] [More IWR Parodies] [Parody Titles Text

Bush Admits US Invaded the Wrong Country

Unabomber to Fill Poindexter Vacancy

Saddam in Disguise

 August Top Ten

  1. Bush Takes Responsibility For Loch Ness Monster Claim
  2. Rummy’s New Game Show: The Wheel of Farces

  3. Greenspan Blames Krugman For Sluggish Economy


  4. Secret Agent 86 – Dubya Smart

  5. Photo "Proves" Bush Wasn’t Lying


  6. Where in the World is Saddam San Diego?


  7. Bush Gets Lost in the White House Hedges


  8. First Annual Moron Summit


  9. Bush Fails Lie Detector Test

  10. George Bush’s Recurring Nightmare


  11. Laura Bush Meets Kim Jong Il


  12. Who’s on First?

Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2003.

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