Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Bush Cartoon – Pickles’ Cookbook, Queen of Anti-Science, Maniac, Loony, Wingnut, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

IWR Bush Cartoon – Pickles’ Cookbook, Queen of Anti-Science, Maniac, Loony, Wingnut, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

Laura "Pickles" Bush – Parody News Cartoon

Pickles’ Cookbook



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The Bush Legacy 03/05

The Grandmother Of Outer Space 02/03

Empress Of Iraq

Alito Unmasked 02/02

Bush SOTU Speech Translated Into English 02/01

Bush Advances Doomsday Clock To Midnight 01/30

Problem Girls Of The GOP 01/29

Rummy’s Panda Metaphor 01/26

The Plague Of The Bush Apologists 01/25

The Crackhead-In-Chief 01/24

The Rule Of Lawlessness 01/24

The Impeachment Blues 01/23

The Real Osama Connection 01/23

Tweety Plays Pander Ball 01/20

Bush Says Illegal Spying Program Prevented

Terrorists From Selling The Brooklyn Bridge 01/19

CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux Denies White House Groupie Charge 01/19

Wiretap! 01/18

Reed: ‘I Was Duped By The Religious Right’ 01/17

Bush Kills al-Zawahiri, Again 01/15

Bush’s Dog And Monkey Show 01/12

I Married A Flaming Wingnut 01/10

The Bottom Of The Bottle 01/08

GOP Charity Telethon 01/06

Bush Fails Sanity Test 01/05

Cheney: ‘No 9/11 If Stalin Was President’ 01/05

Fairytopia 01/03

Peeping George 01/01

Sleepwalking Through History 12/30

First Lady Says: ‘I Am Not A Frump!’ 12/27

Bush Celebrates Holidays Eavesdropping On Phone Sex Calls 12/25

Merry Christmas! 12/23

Dial M For Moron 12/23


Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2006.

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IWR reference: cartoon, comedy, comic, parody, satire, political, news, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon, cartoon, comic, parody, satire, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon

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