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Animation and Short Subject Archive
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
Best of 2003
Fall 2003
Summer 2003
Spring Archive 2003
Winter Archive 2003
Top Ten for 2002
Archive 2002
Mr. Kat
Mr. Doll
Spy Vs. Spy
The Quest
Squirrel Person
“Girly Picture”
Edgar Beals
Plickey and Muto
IWR Interview
Plickey + Muto- Lost
Plickey + Muto- Trip
Plickey + Muto- Shop
Plickey + Muto- Shop 2
Plickey + Muto- Parade
Plickey + Muto- Pearl
The Wenchell Bogum Series
The Last Hula Doll
Hey! Neighbor
SeXXXy Doll
Ed’s Head
Kikkomaso or Kikkoman
Lots of Robots
onkey makes sorbet
Pingu – Yeti Sports
Squirrel Fishing
Star Wars Lego Edition
Tales of the Plush Cthulhu
Wallace & Gromit
AA-Safe-Way Asian Women’s Driving School
Apple – Movie Trailers
Bilbo Baggins
Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels
electric 6 – Bush and Blair at the gay bar
John Ashcroft Singing
Pixar Short Films
Suburban Trunk Monkey
The Smoking Dog
Speed Stacking – Emily Fox
Suburban Trunk Monkey
Classic Bad
Monster Video Clips
Attack of the Supermonsters
The Blob(BM)
Giant Claw(BM)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (BM)
Rodan (BM)
The Bad Movies List
BM = www.badmovies.org
Note:I always post new items in my e-Zine before I add them to this archive. I usually update this page on Saturdays.
What a dork.
The Ugly One
Salad Fingers
A new episode of Weebl and Bob. Use the can opener like everyone else.
Whack the Shrub
Cyrkam Airtös Game
Catch a paper wad and then chuck it into the trashcan.
It’s just like work!
They’re at it again.
This is a wonderful animation by Taruto Fuyama.
Strong Bad Email 111
In this episode, we learn about the therapeutic properties of piemonade and battle axe lessons.
Strong Bad
Slam Bush
Hip Hop Battle/Poetry Slam to Oust George W. Bush.
Dubya gets slammed
Who’s the Goss
A great satire from the Daily Show. Also, Michael Moore interview this numbskull in March and Goss said: “I couldn’t get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified”. And then there’s this BBC story Moore embarrasses new CIA chief
Look at the Goss!
Dream on
Satellite Video
Where’s the Cheat?
Strong Bad does a PBS children’s show. Stave it off. One, Two, Three.
Buy Kerret a beer?
He likes rust
This is the best free music mixer that I have seen on the Internet.
Cat Yoga
mysterious dance
Will Does Bush
Ridge Goes Orange
The New Dick
The Subservient Chimp
Kung Fu
Another exciting episode of Weebl and Bob.
Chris the Ninja Pirate
Sandra Day O’Connor
and Clarence Thomas (2000)
Hit the Crows with the Tree Seeds
Oh Danny Bot…
July 2004
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