Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Political Bush Cartoons – Bush Welcomes King Tut To The Oval Office

IWR Political Bush Cartoons – Bush Welcomes King Tut To The Oval Office

George W. Bush & Tutankhamun  – Parody News Cartoon

Bush Welcomes King Tut To The Oval Office

Who’s Older: King Tut or Dick Cheney?
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Bush To Get Shock Therapy 10/31

The Giant Pharmaceutical Industry Leeches 10/29

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Beck Says, “Burn, Cali, Burn!” 10/23

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The Reincarnation Of Eva Braun 10/12

Condi To Reunite Gondwanaland 10/06

Homer Petraeus 9/30

Hooked On Bushiephonics 9/27

Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,
Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2007.

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IWR reference: cartoon, comedy, comic, parody, satire, political, news, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon, cartoon, comic, parody, satire, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon

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