Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Bush Cartoon – Neocon, Conservative, Far Right, Bushevik, Magazine, Incompetent, Poll, Neocon, Nutcase, Loony, Wingnut, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

IWR Bush Cartoon – Neocon, Conservative, Far Right, Bushevik, Magazine, Incompetent, Poll, Neocon, Nutcase, Loony, Wingnut, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

Conservative, Neocon, Wingnut Men’s Magazines

Perverted Man Magazine 3/19

The Compassionate Pervert

Permalink] [ ]

Sleazebag Magazine 01/18

Featuring The Shah of Iraq

[ ]

Senator Inhofe Vs The Global Warming Babes07/25

They’re Coming To Take Him Away – Ha ha!

White Houseboy06/08

Confessions Of A Base Boot Licker


Macho Man Magazine05/19

Macho Man Magazine

Men-Of-War Magazine05/08

An Adventure Magazine For Jelly Heads

Oilman’s Adventure Magazine04/26

Cheney’s Baboon Gas Price Torture

Bush Caught Leaking With His Monkey Pants Down!04/07

Everything he says is a lie!

Lunatics In Charge At Homeland Security!04/05

Doing what comes naturally

in the Bush Administration

Rev. Moon Launches ‘Preemptive Warrior’ Magazine03/19

See How Jerry Falwell Cured His Gay Urges!

Wingnut’s Adventure Magazine03/15

Katherine Harris Bares All!

Condi: Queen Of The Jungle03/10

Harry Reid Is On The Menu


Conservative Misadventures Magazine03/03

At A Newsstand Near You!

Neocon Man Magazine02/22

They’re Outsourcing Our Security!


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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2006.

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IWR reference: cartoon, comedy, comic, parody, satire, political, news, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon, cartoon, comic, parody, satire, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon

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