Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Bush Cartoon – The CDC Issues Medusa Alert

IWR Bush Cartoon – The CDC Issues Medusa Alert

Laura "Pickles" Bush – Parody News Cartoon

The CDC Issues Medusa Alert

WASHINGTON (IWR News Satire) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday issued a warning for Americans not to stare directly into the face of First Lady Laura Bush.  CDC scientists have found that staring into Laura Bush’s eyes can cause a form hysteria in which victims have a distorted view of reality.  A recent example of this phenomena was observed at the annual Easter Egg hunt, when unsuspecting children, who gazed into the First Lady’s face, forgot how incompetent the Bush Administration really was last August and then began singing the praises of her bungling husband and FEMA.



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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2006.

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