Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Photo Bush Cartoon – The October Surprise

IWR Photo Bush Cartoon – The October Surprise

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George W. Bush – Guest News Parody Cartoon

The October Surprise


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Bush Has Outpatient Brain Surgery After Losing Debate 10/03

Majority of Registered Voters Think Bush Is A Hamster 9/30

The Fantasy World Of Spin 9/26

Bush Promises to Ring in Armageddon If Reelected 9/23

Tom Ridge Issues A Dan Rather Alert 9/21

Bush Pledges To Kill More People Than Saddam Hussein 9/19

Kerry Sets Bush Straight on Missile Defense 9/16

The Rove-A-Dope 9/15

Rumsfeld Admits He Was Brainwashed About 9/11 9/12

Captain Wrongway Peachfuzz 9/10

Cheney: Kerry Win Risks Asteroid Hit 9/8

Conservatives Taunt ‘The New Compassionate’ Cheney 9/6

Bush Explains Why He Let Osama Walk 9/5

The Neocon Bellboy 9/2

What a comedic genius!

No More Years! 9/1

Who Does Bush Really Worship? 9/1

Bush Calls His Connection to Texas Sleaze Balls a Coincidence 8/26

The King of the Douche Bags 8/22

Pee Wee Bush’s Big Re-Election Adventure 8/15

Fed Raises Key Interest Rate As Pork Hits 90$ Per Barrel 8/11


Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2004.

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IWR reference: cartoon, comic, parody, satire, political, news, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon, cartoon, comic, parody, satire, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon

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