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IWR Photo Bush Cartoon – Registered Voters Think Bush Is A Hamster!

IWR Photo Bush Cartoon – Registered Voters Think Bush Is A Hamster!

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George W. Bush – News Parody Cartoon

Majority of Registered Voters Think Bush Is A Hamster

WASHINGTON (IWR News Parody) – A CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Wednesday showed that a clear majority of 75% of registered voters believed George W. Bush was a hamster, 15% thought the President was a member of the weasel family and remaining respondents believed he was some sort of Texas tree frog.

The same poll also found that the overwhelming majority of likely voters thought Vice President Dick Cheney was a Ferengi

Discussion: Who Won the First Debate?


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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2004.

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