Internet Weekly 2
Internet Weekly 2

IWR Bush Cartoon – The Secret Three Stooges Victory Plan For Iraq, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

IWR Bush Cartoon – The Secret Three Stooges Victory Plan For Iraq, Humor, Joke, Satire, Parody

George W. Bush – Parody News Cartoon

The Secret Three Stooges Plan For Victory In Iraq

Inspiration: Military’s Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive

And Poll: Most Iraqis Oppose Troops’ Presence



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Internet Weekly Report First Issued on 12/15/2001,

Copyright Internet Weekly Report 2001-2005.

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IWR reference: cartoon, comedy, comic, parody, satire, political, news, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon, cartoon, comic, parody, satire, joke, spoof, humor, lampoon

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